花咲く組杯 | A Set of Lacquer Wares Blooming
富山プロダクトデザインコンペティション2013 入選作品
製 作: 天野漆器
素 材: 木、漆
サ イ ズ: 猪口:W57 × D57 × H50 / ぐい呑み:W75 × D75 × H60
小付:W94 ×D94 ×H75 / 片口:W113 × D113 × H90
Four lacquer wares seem to be a flower blooming when they are piled up. This flower-like lacquer wares will decorate gathering with your family or closed people.
Accepted for 2013 Toyama Design Competition
maker : Amano Shikki Co., Ltd.
material : wood, lacquer
size : φ57*60, φ75*60, φ94*75, φ113*90